Florists' Review

Prep For Success

As we enter the new year we need to bring forth the same optimism and energy that was required during the spring and summer months last year as the pandemic swept across the country. Florists around the world had to endure closures and restrictions in the midst of some of their busiest seasons. For some, business stayed the same, while others saw an increase in sales as consumers now had to send sentiments instead of meeting up with friends and family. Many more struggled to make ends meet and everyone in the floral industry had to learn to adapt.

While the way we do business usually changes over time, it had to change very quickly during the pandemic. Consumer priorities began to shift as well, and they did, dramatically. Florists had to be willing to grow and try new things, and turn these changes into opportunity. Most people will continue to want an easy, no-contact way to buy and receive their purchases and by looking at the struggles last year, we are better prepared for things to come.

So what should you focus on as we enter a new spring and summer flower season?

1. Make sure you are selling online-and now virtual, shopping is here to stay and expected by consumers. And they don’t just want to shop, they want an experience. They want to be engaged. Try holding a virtual selling event and communicate with your customers more.

One florist in Little Rock, AR, Tipton and Hurst did over $35,000 on their first virtual sales event. Very impressive!

2. Give your physical and virtual shop a spring cleaning or update- Because floral can often be an impulse buy, focusing on your product both online and in-store is key. You can choose to add more variety to your inventory, showcase seasonal flowers, or try new merchandising.

3. Use health as a selling point- Consumers have been more focused on health this past year, rightfully so, both mental and physical. Research has shown that flowers and plants can help with stress relief, improve mood, aid in relaxation, increase energy and help oxygenate air.

4. Bring inside spaces outside- As we transition into spring, consumers will be looking to get outside, and with any luck, enjoy more gatherings again. Find a way to use your outdoor space, even if it’s small, for both shopping and events. Create a new experience and a more comfortable situation for your customers.

Change is the new normal and if you’re willing to adapt you are better equipped for whatever happens next in the flower business. By examining how business and consumer habits have changed this last year you can prepare for 2021 and beyond.

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